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Writing Samples

Communication is key

Through my experiences I have learned that communication is of the utmost importance. For some reason, writing well seems to be a lost or rare skill among my peers. 


I have included a few samples of my writing in various styles. I have produced technical documents in the professional realm as well as in school.

As a professional engineer for a private water utility, I regularly write project reports and design documentation that is reviewed by the Department of Health and other regulatory agencies.


I have also included a few non-technical writing samples to showcase my ability to convey messages in multiple contexts.



Shaft Stress Analysis

This is a shaft stress analysis that showcases my ability to do a thorough analysis via hand calculations.

Rexnord Bearing Analysis

This report was written for a Manufacturing Processes class my junior year. After learning various manufacturing processes, we were supposed to pick a part and describe how we thought the part was manufactured and why.

Product Development

This report was written in conjunction with Karen Horvath. It showcases my experience with product design and product development.

Shaft Design

This report is in a more design and analysis style. It was created for a Machine Design class assignment. Here I chose to design the shaft to a fly reel that I have been designing.

Gear Design

This is another design report for my Machine Design class. Here we were tasked to design somthing that involved gears. Since the fly reel that I have been designing involves a gear pump as the drag system, I chose to analyse and size the gears involved in driving the pump.

Dice Injection Molding Analysis

For my fluid mechanics class we were assigned to design a mold to create six polystyrene dice. There was a solidification time of three seconds and at no time could the fluid in the mold become turbulent.  

Fly Fishing Article

Just for fun, I have included an article I wrote for the South Sound Fly Fishers. Back when I had time, I would regularly write for this website.

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